State-based armed conflicts have reached an all time high since 1946 and this trend is likely to continue. At the same time, new technologies are disrupting the nature of warfare and posing novel legal challenges that must be dealt with to maintain defense readiness.​​

Future armed conflicts will be avoided or resolved by very different means than today and the defense sector must get ready for this paradigm change. Artificial intelligence is not only  powering autonomous weapon systems, but also supporting military planning and decision making. 3D printing spare parts for military vehicles will have a lasting impact on lead times and logistics. Last but not least, cyber warfare has become a reality and new digital  threats abound. 

Each of these developments comes with its own legal challenges that must be mastered but overregulating or even banning the use of AI in the military domain is not a viable  option as it would seriously undermine our defense-readiness. International humanitarian Law (IHL) is in fact well equipped to handle new weapon systems  which can be designed, deployed and continuously improved  to ensure their compliance even under the most challenging conditions.

The use of AI in the military domain requires an interdisciplinary, joint effort of governmental bodies, OEM, academia and knowledegable advisors  that ensures the consideration of all relevant technical, legal and ethical aspects throughout the entire lifecycle of military AI systems.  Leupold Legal is contributing its expertise to support new military capabilities and enable an effective defense in a changing geopolitical landscape.

Are you concerned with legal compliance of defense systems?​​​

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