Your intellectual property and business secrets may well be your most valuable assets. Let´s protect, enforce and defend them.

A recent study of almost 1 million trademarks has shown that the median trademark is worth $22.5 million.* Even if you are a startup, protecting and defending your trademark against unauthorized use by competitors makes a lot of sense.  If you are an established market player with a well-known brand, fending off free riders trying to benefit from your brand´s reputation is of paramount importance.

Copyrights have taken on a whole new importance due to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) . If you are using open source software code for creating AI systems for your customers you will likely have a copyright challenge. Whether using existing works consisting of images or text as training data may infringe copyrights is currently under scrutiny in American and European courts.

Protecting your technical invention by a patent doesn´t come cheap so you will seek to enforce it against unauthorized users. But even if you did not obtain patent protection for your most valuable assets, they may be protected as business secrets and if they aren´t yet I can show you how.

Do you need to enforce or defend your IP ?​​

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