Did you know that only 31% of all IT projects are successful? Reaching your project goals requires the right methodology and a project contract tailored to your needs.​

The stakes are high in most IT projects. From the introduction of ERP and CRM systems in large companies to patient data management systems in hospitals, IT systems are crucial for staying in business and keeping a competitive edge.

Leupold Legal has in depth legal expertise and 25+ years of practical experience in complex IT projects that span multiple domains and stakeholders.

The best IT project agreements are not those that land in a drawer and stay there until something goes wrong but those that serve as a script for all project steps and major milestones with a clear definition of the project goals and distribution of roles and responsibilities.

Leupold Legal creates a level playing field between project partners and provides legal certainty of their obligations..

But it doesn´t stop there.  Sustainable IT systems need suitable service level agreements (SLA) to ensure that it keeps running smoothly and system downtime does not exceed your tolerable maximum. 

Leupold Legal creates SLA that do not only look good on paper but ensure business continuity and legal redress for enforcing them when it really counts.

Are you planning an IT project?​​

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